Anemoia - n. (uncountable) (neologism, rare) Nostalgia for a time or a place one has never known
i. A longing for a bygone era and the desire to partake in its emotions and atmosphere
ii. A magazine that manifests anemoia for its readers through curated articles, features and visuals. By bridging essay and art, Anemoia magazine caters to those craving something to read or something to contemplate or maybe something to inspire.
Anemoia is a student created and self published magazine- A publication made with the goal to amplify the talent of emerging artists of Australia’s creative scene and post work through articles and artwork alike. We encourage the use of our submissions forum in order to share work of those in the community who want to promote their art or get their voices out there whether done so before or not.
We hope our website + magazine reads like a scrapbook of our love for writing, filled with glittering words and articles we’ve curated, beside pasted artworks just for you.